Instructions for Authors
Articles submitted to Journal of Clinical Radiography and Radiotherapy must be previously unpublished.
The Journal also publishes reviews based on research, case studies related to developments in the field, as well as short presentations of academic Master´s, Licentiate and PhD thesis. Bachelor thesis can be published at discretionary decision.
All full length articles, short communications papers, and reviews intended for publication as original articles are subjected to peer review. The peer reviewers of the journal are impartial academics having PhD degree or other expertise. At this point, the names of authors are not revealed to reviewers and vice versa. Assessments of the manuscript are sent to the authors. In case assessments of two peer reviewers are totally conflicting, the manuscript will be sent to a third peer reviewer. In case the editor in chief has conflict of interest in respect to the manuscript, the vice editor in chief will make the decision.
The maximum full length of articles is about 30,000 characters with spaces (including text, abstract, tables, figures, and list of references) (mukaan lukien short communications). The maximum length of thesis presentations is 3,500 characters. In the case of articlesincluding short communications papers, the number of characters in tables and figures is evaluated so that a table taking up half a page is calculated to contain 2,250 characters. The text is written on A4-sized sheets using double spacing, with a 3 cm margin on the left. Words are not divided. Division into paragraphs must be clear. Page numbers are given in the upper right-hand corner (not on title page).
Structure of the manuscript (excluding presentation of academic theses; see b): The manuscript must contain the following:
1. Title page, which contains the title of the manuscript, first and last names of authors, their academic degree in Finnish and English, position at work, place of work and e-mail address. In addition, the name, address, e-mail address and phone number of a contact person must be given.
2. The abstract is written in the same language as the article. The length of the abstract is about 1,250 characters. It states the key contents of the article (in the case of research reports, aim/purpose of the study, methods, results, and conclusions). In connection with the abstract, 3-5 key words are given for indexing. The names of the authors are not mentioned.
3. Abstract in English, which must be a direct translation of the abstract in the original language (including keywords). The authors are responsible for the proofreading of the English version. The names of the authors are not mentioned.
4. Text pages, in which the structure of the text follows general guidelines concerning the structure of scientific articles (with modification depending on the nature of the article). An article based on a research report must include the following: introduction to the subject, theoretical background or literature review, aim/ purpose of the study & research problems, methods (target group, data collection and analysis), key results and discussion (conclusions, reliability of the study and ethical considerations as well as significance of the study for radiography). In the chapter covering research ethics the following things must be described: in research about human subjects, the authors must describe what is the legal basis of data processing (Data protection law 2018/1050 4§; Regulation (EU) 2016/679 6§1) and/or how informed consent from the study subject has been acquired. Inserted titles should be short and clear. No more than three title levels should be used. Main titles are written in uppercase, second level titles in lower case and third-level titles in italicised lower case. In reviews and case reports on development projects, the structure described above is modified as appropriate.
5. References to literature in the text are indicated by the last name of the author and year of publication in parentheses (Virtanen 2007). If there are two authors, the last names of both are given (Virtanen & Lahtinen 2007). If there are more than two authors, the last name of the first and ‘et al.´ is used (Virtanen et al. 2007). In the case of organisations, name and year of publication is given (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority 2007). When several references are given, they are arranged so that that the oldest come first and the newest last; if the year of publication is the same, the references are given in alphabetical order.
6. Tables and figures are given on separate pages each, numbered and with titles (title of table comes above the table, title of figure below the figure). The title text must describe what the table or figure represents. Tables and figures are numbered using running numbers that are used in the text to refer to them.
7. The list of references is entitled “References”, and it must include all sources mentioned in the text, but no others. They are listed in the list of references in alphabetical order as follows:
Books: Carlton R, Adler A. 1996. Principles of radiographic imaging. 2nd edition. Delmar Publishers, London. Standertskjöld-Nordenstam C-G, Kormano M, Laasonen EM, Soimakallio S, Suramo I. 1998. Kliininen radiologia. Kustannus Oy Duodecim, Jyväskylä.
Article in a book: Korhola O. 2005. Röntgendiagnostiikan kehitys. In: Radiologia Suomessa. Historiikki vuoteen 2005. WSOY, Jyväskylä, 16-21. Virkkunen P, Salonen O. 1999. Kuvantamismenetelmät. In: Joensuu H, Roberts PJ, Teppo L. (eds.) Syöpätaudit. 2. edition Kustannus Oy Duodecim, Vammala, 98109.
Journal article: Decker S, Iphofen R. 2005. Developing the profession of radiography: Making use of oral history. Radiography 11(4), 262-271. Internet source: European guidelines on quality criteria for computed tomography, guidelines/ct/quality/ (5 Jan 2007)
Publications and guidelines: Säteilyturvakeskus. 2005. Lasten röntgentutkimusohjeisto. STUK tiedottaa 1/2005. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö. 2006. Terveydenhuollon valtakunnallisen tietojärjestelmäarkkitehtuurin periaatteet. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön selvityksiä 2006:8. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Helsinki.
8. Thanks (primarily to those financing the study) come at the end of the article, before the reference list.
b) Structure of academic thesis presentation: Presentations of Bachelor’s, Master´s, Licenciate and Doctoral theses (max. 3,500 characters) are drawn up as follows: – Author(s) – Name of Master´s, Licenciate or Doctoral thesis – Year of completion/publication – University and department: – Purpose and nature of study: (e.g. descriptive, explanatory, intervention study) – Methods: (short description of target group, data collection method, material and analysis) – Key results: – Significance of results for radiography: – Contact information of contact person (name, address, phone number, e-mail address) Questions concerning the appearance of the manuscripts are answered by the Journal´s Editorial Secretary Katariina Kortelainen (katariina.kortelainen(at)
Manuscripts intended for publication as original articles must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating whether the article has been published in the same form in another publication, or whether the article or parts of it have been sent for review to another magazine. The cover letter must also indicate the number of characters in the abstract and the article.
The manuscript (original articles with cover letter) or presentation of academic thesis is sent only by e-mail as a Word file (.docx) to the Editor in- Chief ( and Editorial Secretary (
In the cover letter the authors must state
a) if the authors have conflicts of interest regarding their study
b) what is the legal basis of data processing (Data protection law 2018/1050 4§; Regulation (EU) 2016/679 6§1) and/or how informed consent from the study subject has been acquired. In studies regarding animals, the cover letter must describe how the ethical manner of treating animals has been ensured.
The Editor-in- Chief confirms by e-mail that the manuscript has been received.
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Publication contract
After the manuscript has been accepted, a publication contract is sent to the author(s) for signing. The contract transfers the publication rights in the Journal of Clinical Radiography and Radiotherapy to Radiografian Tutkimusseura ry/Radiography Research Association and the Society of Radiographers in Finland. After the manuscript has been accepted it may not be published in the same form without written permission from the publisher. The author is responsible for seeking the right to use copyright protected material (including tables and figures). Instructions for authors have been updated 12.3.2021